Dental Tooth Extraction Consent Form Dental Tooth Extraction Consent FormPatient's Name *Date of Birth *Tooth NumberExtraction CostCADExcess Removal CostCADBone Grafting CostCADI, the undersigned, consent to the dental tooth extraction procedure recommended by *Dr. Mohamad IssaDr. Mohamad IssaDr. Mrunali DesaiDr. Zaineb HamoudRisks and Complications *I understand that there are certain risks associated with dental tooth extraction, including but not limited to: 1- Pain or discomfort 2- Bleeding 3- Swelling 4- Infection: An infection after a tooth extraction can be a serious complication 5- Nerve damage resulting in temporary or permanent numbness or tingling 6- Damage to adjacent teeth, artificial crown/bridge, or fillings 7- Dry socket: Severe pain at the extraction site, often radiating to the ear, eye, temple, or neck, with Bad breath or a foul taste in the mouth 8- Sinus involvement (for upper teeth) A-Sinus Perforation: During extraction, the sinus membrane can be punctured or torn, leading to a perforation, which can cause discomfort and complications such as sinus infections. B-Sinus Infection: If the extraction site communicates with the sinus cavity, bacteria can enter and cause an infection 9- Jaw fractures (rare) 10- Restricted mouth opening after a tooth extraction, also known as trismus, can be quite uncomfortable.Referral *I understand that at any stage of the treatment, the treatment’s provider may consider it appropriate to refer the patient to a surgeon for a reevaluation or further treatmentFlaps *I understand that surgical flaps may be used during the extraction procedure to improve access to the site and facilitate a smoother extraction process.Anesthesia for tooth Extraction *I consent to the use of topical and local anesthesia (injection) during the procedure.Acknowledgment *I have read and understood the information provided above. I have discussed any questions or concerns with my dentist and have received satisfactory answers. I acknowledge that no guarantees have been made regarding the outcome of the procedure.Signee Name *Signee Role: (Please check one) *PatientParent / Guardian (if minor)Phone Number *Date *Signature *Sign hereYour browser does not support e-Signature field.Submit